On Christmas, there are actually several ornaments you need to download

Christmas Ornament Coloring Pages brings you back several pictures you need to download.

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christmas ornament coloring pages 5. Image via www.i1.wp.com

The Christmas tree is synonymous with evergreen trees, which thrive throughout the winter. The leaves remain green even though there is a lot of snow on it. Therefore identical Christmas trees are interpreted as hope and life.

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christmas ornament coloring pages 4. Image via www.coloringhome.com

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christmas ornament coloring pages 3. Image via www.malvorlagen-fensterbilder.de

Martin Luther also decorated snowy pine trees with candles in his house. During the 18th century, the tradition became intact in France, Germany, and Austria; and since then, has spread and has become the first thing that comes to mind when telling about Christmas.

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christmas ornament coloring pages 2. Image via www.321coloringpages.com

Most floral arrangements are found at the entrance. The shape is circular, indicating God’s love that never ends. Traditionally, flower bouquets are made from pine leaves and berries are used to decorate green bouquets. Although some people see it as decoration, in fact, the inspiration for bouquets of flowers from the crown of thorns used by Jesus during the crucifixion. The red fruit in the Christmas circle represents the blood of Jesus who spilled on the Cross.

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Candles represent the brightness of a world that is nothing but meaningful to Jesus Christ. Jesus descended to earth to face the darkness that spread because of the sins committed by humans. He shows people the right path with His way of life and love.

Christmas Ornament Coloring Pages can be downloaded the worksheets for free.

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christmas ornament coloring pages 1. Image via www.supercoloring.com

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