Definition of Art: Some definitions and meanings of the word art: The meaning of the word art we take from English art, which is rooted in the Latin word ars, which means: “skills obtained through experience, observation or learning process”. Just download Creation Coloring Pages Freely and Available.

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Creative use of skill and imagination in producing aesthetic objects. Another definition is taken from ancient Dutch, which has the following definition:

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a structural unity of aesthetic elements, technical qualities, and symbolic expressions, which have their own meaning and do not require the ratification of external elements to express themselves. You need to use Creation Coloring Pages Freely and Available.

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Art is an art that can be enjoyed through the eyes so that it is visual. Sound art is an art that can be enjoyed through the senses of the ear so that it is audio. Performance art is an art that can be enjoyed using the senses of the eyes and ears as well so that it is audiovisual. You can download Creation Coloring Pages Freely and Available.

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