A doll is a toy that is often misunderstood as if it were only for girls. Whereas for toddlers, girls and boys can both benefit from playing dolls to develop their intelligence. You need to download Full Version of Shopkins Coloring Pages Apple.

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Shopkins coloring pages apple. Image via www.bestcoloringpagesforkids.com

The following benefits can be taken by children when playing dolls. Helping to wear doll clothes can train motorbike boys and girls. It can also foster the independence of children to be able to wear their own clothes because he has practiced how to wear clothes for his doll. You can download Full Version of Shopkins Coloring Pages Apple.

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Bathing the doll made him learn how to maintain his own body’s cleanliness. Especially if parents help direct how to brush their teeth, use shampoo, clean the body with soap, and use a towel after bathing.

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shopkins coloring pages love. Image via www.bestcoloringpagesforkids.com

Other benefits of playing dolls are also obtained when children pretend to feed their dolls. When feeding it, the child trains his hands to be able to spoon food into his own mouth. Children’s eating activities will also be more exciting because he has a doll that acts like a friend who accompanied his meal.

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shopkins coloring pages walkers. Image via www.bestcoloringpagesforkids.com

In addition, playing with dolls is a good tool for children to learn to mention their limbs such as eyes, nose, head, feet, mouth, neck, and so on. So the child’s vocabulary will increase. Just grab Full Version of Shopkins Coloring Pages Apple for you.

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