If you want to know about King David, begin reading about David and his life. You can see through the pictures of King David Coloring Pages for Any Ages as the image of King David.

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king david coloring pages 1. Image via www.coloringhome.com

Before downloading King David Coloring Pages for Any Ages, you can read the text bellow which told about the King.

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king david coloring pages 2. Image via www.coloringhome.com

Try to download King David Coloring Pages for Any Ages by clicking on the right and select save to download. Here are the little story about King David:

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king david coloring pages 3. Image via www.biblekidsfunzone.com

When Samuel went to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to become king in Israel, neither he nor Jesse knew which one would be king. Samuel and Jesse felt that God had chosen one of the other children because of his appearance or stature. However, God rejects all the other sons of Jesse and says that He sees the heart, not the external appearance, as humans see. David, the shepherd’s son, is still in the fields grazing the sheep because no one would have guessed that he could be the person in question, who was chosen to be the future king. From here, we can learn that whatever God has for us, big or small, we can solve it. It doesn’t matter what people think about us, what we are like, or whether we seem to have great talents or skills.

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king david coloring pages 4. Image via www.warrencampdesign.com

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king david coloring pages 5. Image via www.coloringpages7.com

When Saul was still king after David was anointed as the next king, he continued to try to kill David. David saw Saul’s negligence more than once and had the opportunity to kill him. Even his servants want it too. David refused and said that he did not want to hurt the anointed of God, because Saul had been chosen as king. From here, we can learn about respect for the leaders God has chosen. We can also learn that we cannot take revenge. Leave everything to God. Even though David lived in the Old Testament period, he carried out the commandments in the New Testament that Jesus taught, namely to love your enemies, and Paul’s teachings in the New Testament, namely obeying the ruling government.

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