The film begins with the scene of Charles Kingsleigh (Marton Csokas), Alice’s father (Mairi Ella Challen) while negotiating business with her friends. Alice woke up from her sleep. He then told his father about his strange dream. He fell into a hole and met a rabbit in a suit, a cat who smiled and a blue caterpillar. Scene then switches to Alice’s adult journey (Mia Wasikowska) with a carriage to the place where her engagement party takes place.

alice in wonderland coloring pages alice and friend

alice in wonderland coloring pages alice and friend. Image via

alice in wonderland coloring pages drink coffe

alice in wonderland coloring pages drink coffe. Image via

Alice was betrothed to Hamish (Leo Bill), but he was even more interested in a rabbit in suits that he had dreamed of since he was little. Therefore when Hamish proposed to him in front of all the guests present, Alice said he needed time and ran after the rabbit to a tree. Alice fell into the hole, just like her dream.

alice in wonderland coloring pages happy and friend

alice in wonderland coloring pages happy and friend. Image via

We bring the film into the coloring pages named Alice in Wonderland Coloring Pages. Then, you can download the worksheets, named Alice in Wonderland Coloring Pages for free.

alice in wonderland coloring pages happy

alice in wonderland coloring pages happy. Image via

alice in wonderland coloring pages sleeping

alice in wonderland coloring pages sleeping. Image via

All in all, if you have Alice in Wonderland Coloring Pages, you can use it properly in your class. Just do not dare to use it without guidance since it will make your students confused.

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