Make a daily / weekly schedule. Record appointments, classes, and meetings in chronological books/tables. Always know the schedule for a day, and always go to sleep knowing you are ready to welcome tomorrow.
Plan a longer schedule. Use the monthly schedule so you can always plan your activities first. This schedule can also remind you to make your leisure time more comfortable.
Effective Study Schedule Plan: Give enough time to sleep, eat and entertaining activities. Prioritize tasks. Take time for discussion or repeat material before class. Set the time to repeat the lesson material immediately after class. Remember that the biggest possibility for forgetting occurs within 24 hours without a review. Schedule 50 minutes for each study session. Choose a place that is comfortable (does not interfere with concentration) to study.
Schedule your study time as much as possible in the morning /afternoon/evening.
Schedule a review of weekly lesson material. Be careful, don’t be enslaved by your own schedule!
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