Many Sunday schools and kindergartens and Christian elementary schools start Easter by competing for eggs. Chicken eggs or duck eggs that have been boiled and decorated in various colors are hidden among the bushes in the garden. Then the children race to look for it. The egg is given a hat or beard and is drawn into a red-nosed clown or a high-hat magician and so on. Just download Easter Egg Coloring Pages for Students Tools.
Then have you ever agreed to what the Easter greeting card is, usually beside a flower picture there is also a picture of a rabbit? Now, what does Easter have to do with eggs and rabbits? This is the background of the birth of the Easter celebration tradition with eggs and rabbits. Well, what do you waiting for? Our collections called Easter Egg Coloring Pages for Students Tools can be downloaded for free.
In the early 19th century, in England people already knew Dewi Eostre (in Germany: Austro Goddess) as the Spring Goddess or the Goddess of fertility and prolongation of life, which could roughly be used as a replacement for Dewi Sri in Indonesia.
Easter always falls around the days of the celebration of Goddess Eostre. Because of that, people gradually took over the celebration of Goddess Oestre. The English and German words for Easter namely Easter or Ostern, are taken from the name of Goddess Eostre or Austro. Also, the celebration activities were taken over and given new contents.
For the egg which was originally an embryo will be taken over as a symbol of the ascension of life. Rabbits, all of which are symbols of fertility (can be breed quickly) are taken over and given the meaning of Easter, which is the symbol of life collected in Christ.
Easter coincides with spring. Spring is a season that is a challenge taken back my life. The trees which, during the fall and winter become bare, now begin to germinate. Animals begin to come out of their protection. life begins again. You are going to take Easter Egg Coloring Pages for Students Tools with you.