Before the existence of educational institutions such as before, learning sometimes self-taught or also through discussion together, such as Abu Bakr studied the Prophet or Plato who studied at Socrates. Have you ever asked why people who lived in ancient times were relatively smarter than people who are in Zana now, an era that is practical and easy to access information? the answer, because people first learn freely, are free of what they think needs to be learned then they will learn it,

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But today the science is specified, there are legal science, political science, medical science, philosophy and various kinds of science, so that today people only learn according to the specifications of the science that they choose, so that the quality is relatively limited to the knowledge he learned, different from people in ancient times, studying all science, so that not only one science they mastered, for example, Socrates, mastered philosophy, law, politics, sociology, anthropology, and state science, Ibn Sina mastered philosophy as well as medicine and surgery in detail, Ibn Khaldun a historian who mastered the science of historiography, sociology, and economics.

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