Can you just give your students with Food Coloring Pages for Food Lovers?

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Well,  Food Coloring Pages for Food Lovers can be downloaded only by clicking on the right and select save to download the worksheets.

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When my father left the bathroom, he found that his little girl was screaming to scold his brother who accidentally nudged his cooking-cooking toy. This could be a good reason to punish the two children; one for nudging his sister’s toy; others because they make noise pollution on a sunny Saturday morning.

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 Instead of applying punishment, dad uses a play strategy to reconnect the two siblings. First, he sat standing watching the two children who were fighting, suddenly he took a pile of sofa cushions and invited his daughter to beat his brother out. Not only that, my father is still chasing the older brother, pulling both of his brothers to the back and making him like a prisoner in the film “Peter Pan”.

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Then the father encouraged the younger brother to keep hitting his brother with a pillow and gave a signal to the mother to become ‘tinker bell’, the savior. “Which is your sister’s savior?” shouted the father. Then the mother came with one hand, and father pretended to be falling. Suddenly father took the younger brother and once again the mother saved with “his magic dust.” So, ended the war with three human brothers scattered on the floor while enjoying happy fatigue. The siblings were again able to be friends again.

You will get Food Coloring Pages for Food Lovers for free. You can also use the pictures as  a good present for them, instead of giving punishment.