Children was always curious about something. Children also tend to ask about everything that seems new to them. For this reason, it takes patience for parents to listen and answer their questions.

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it is unwise for parents to respond to children’s questions by saying; “Already, you little child doesn’t have to ask questions, keep it very, really,” or; “You are still small, later you will grow up and you will know it yourself.” In this case, the parents are actually turning off the child’s curiosity. Though this curiosity is very important in the learning process.

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There are parents who act in other ways, namely by ignoring or silencing the child, or just answering so that the child immediately stops asking questions. Such parenting certainly does not support the CBSA (Active Student Learning Method) method that is being applied in schools today.

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Conscious or not, parenting or the way teachers teach has a role in shaping our children to be active or passive. For children, asking is their basic capital for learning.

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