A variety of small foods such as cakes, nuts or fresh fruit can be an option. Including popcorn. Popcorn which is fun to eat while watching this movie also contains antioxidants. The image of popcorn is available on Popcorn Coloring Page for Learning. 

popcorn coloring page 1

popcorn coloring page 1. Image via www.coloringhome.com

Popcorn is a snack made from dried corn kernels that are chopped and heated. A simple heating process will make the corn kernels expand and are marked by the sound of small explosions. Various popcorn machines have been created since the 19th century.

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popcorn coloring page 2. Image via www.coloringtop.com

These snacks have been discovered thousands of years ago by Native Americans. With evidence, corncobs have been found in New Mexico, around the age of 3600 BC. Besides being able to be used as popcorn, corn can also be processed into corn sugar, cornflour, and others. Just download Popcorn Coloring Page for Learning for a quick usage.

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popcorn coloring page 3. Image via www.assets2.handipoints.com

Popcorn is a food source of antioxidants. These foods are also low in water content and have more concentrated antioxidant levels than fruits and vegetables. Even so vegetables and other fruits that are rich in polyphenols also contain good vitamins and minerals.

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popcorn coloring page 4. Image via www.coloringhome.com

In a meeting of the American Chemical Society last week in San Diego, Prof. Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton revealed that plain popcorn is rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that can help to prevent cancer and cell damage caused by free radicals.

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popcorn coloring page 5. Image via www.coloringhome.com

If you want to process popcorn you should not add butter, cooking oil or sugar because it will ruin your diet. Natural popcorn will be much healthier and will not damage your diet program. Well, what do you waiting for? Our sheets called  Popcorn Coloring Page for Learning are available for you.

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